Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thanks, Dad

Little things make me laugh. I guess it's my make up...the way I'm made. I'm sure my Dad had something to do with that. I can be having the worse day, and then something just strikes me really funny, and I laugh. It is a huge release. As my Dad used to say, "It's a cheap way to feel better quick."

I can remember going places with family or friends and just laughing about silly things, or something they've seen. I remember the feeling and going home feeling like a just had a great nights sleep.

This week has been a little down for me...just stuff and life. But the other night my son, Demetrius, said something and got me to laughing and instantly I started feeling better.

I now understand why so many people laugh. It's a great way to relieve tension, and I know it helps physically and mentally too. As the scripture says, "A merry heart does good like a medicine." That is so true.

Thanks Dad, for always having a Merry Heart.

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